1. Joomla Scanner

Joomla Scanner

About this tool

Perform a Joomla security assessment by finding vulnerabilities in Joomla core, components, modules, and templates.

The scanner attempts to identify security weaknesses in the target Joomla website (core, components, modules, and templates).

It performs a remote scan, without authentication, using a black-box approach. This simulates an external attacker who tries to penetrate the target Joomla website.

The Joomla Vulnerability Scanner performs the following operations to assess the security of the target website:

  • Detect the installed Joomla version

  • Show the vulnerabilities which affect the identified Joomla version

  • Enumerate installed components and their versions

  • Show the vulnerabilities for the identified components

  • Enumerate the installed modules and their versions

  • Show the vulnerabilities for the identified modules

  • Enumerate the installed templates and their versions

  • Show the vulnerabilities for the identified templates

The scanner is based on the well-known JoomlaVS scanning tool.


  • Target URL: This is the URL of the Joomla website that will be scanned. All URLs must start with http or https.

Don't forget to specify the complete path to the base directory of the Joomla installation. Ex. http://targetjoomla.com/cms/.

How it works

The scanner connects to the target Joomla website and retrieves information from the HTML pages to fingerprint the Joomla version.

The enumeration of components, modules, and templates is actively done by trying multiple known names.

The tool extracts the vulnerability information from a frequently updated database and includes them in the final report together with references for vulnerability details.

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