Apache Ambari < 2.7.4 XSS Vulnerability CVE-2020-1936
- Severity
- CVSSv3 Score
- 6.1
- Vulnerability description
- Not available
- Risk description
- Not available
- Recommendation
- Not available
- References
- https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AMBARI-25329https://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/ambari-user/202103.mbox/%3Cpony-f2a397f1aca7e00c4694311ba671caea2b10427b-ccfe61e3ef4d114a176a33ffc51f5b99d6e58d94%40user.ambari.apache.org%3Ehttps://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2021/03/02/1
- Codename
- Not available
- Detectable with
- Network Scanner
- Scan engine
- OpenVAS
- Exploitable with Sniper
- No
- CVE Published
- Not available
- Detection added at
- Software Type
- Not available
- Vendor
- Not available
- Product
- Not available
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