How to bruteforce CMSs and e-commerce apps with Hydra and the Password Auditor

This guide provides real-world testing methodologies for WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, PrestaShop, and Magento, helping you correctly identify weak login endpoints, analyze error messages, and work around security mechanisms for efficient pentests and security assessments.

You’ll find detailed Hydra commands for precise, high-efficiency bruteforcing, along with insights on using our Password Auditor to automate credential testing. This comparison makes it easier to choose which tool can help you brute-forcing faster and more effectively by capturing screenshots of logged-in sessions and generating detailed proof of valid credentials. 

See full benchmark results
Hydra vs password auditor hero image

Bruteforce commands and settings for Hydra and the Password Auditor

Since every CMS and e-commerce platform handles authentication differently, with varying levels of protection like rate limiting, CAPTCHAs, and account lockouts, you need a tool as flexible and capable as your workflows.

Whether you’re testing a single admin account or running large-scale credential audits, this guide gives you the practical techniques and automation strategies to improve your credential auditing workflow while avoiding unnecessary detection.

How to check Wordpress for weak credentials

Deployment method: Vultr marketplace

1. Find the Wordpress web app login endpoint

The WordPress administrator login usually sits on the /wp-login.php endpoint.

Wordpress login interface

2. Discover the Wordpress login parameters

Use the Network tab in the browser’s Web Developer Tools to find the login parameters.

wordpress dev tools

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, the WordPress app returns the following message:

Wordpress error

After 10 invalid attempts, the Wordfence plugin (pre-installed in the deployed environment) gets triggered. Note that the block only works for active accounts.

Wordpress blocked

Hydra commands and output

For bruteforcing Wordpress with 1 valid and 1 invalid pairs of credentials, we used the following commands:

hydra -l wpauserAt32pBC2 -p bad-password -V https-form-post '/wp-login.php:log=^USER^&pwd=^PASS^&wp-submit=Log In&testcookie=1:The username or password you entered is invalid.'
hydra -l wpauserAt32pBC2 -p D5nZ9UzELriBpENkATlgWR7jqeamvr7j -V https-form-post '/wp-login.php:log=^USER^&pwd=^PASS^&wp-submit=Log In&testcookie=1:The username or password you entered is invalid.'
Wordpress hydra

As shown in the output, Hydra successfully distinguished between invalid and valid credentials.

For the second scenario that used multiple sets of credentials, we used the following Hydra command:

hydra -L users.txt -P pass.txt -V https-form-post '/wp-login.php:log=^USER^&pwd=^PASS^&wp-submit=Log In&testcookie=1:The username or password you entered is invalid.'

Wordfence was activated after multiple failed attempts, and Hydra generated numerous incorrect credentials.

Wordpress hydra multiple creds

Password Auditor commands and results

For the first scenario, we adjusted the following parameters in the interface to run a more focused scan:

Since the pa-benchmark wordlist includes the valid credentials, the Password Auditor will make 4 attempts against the target - 3 with invalid credentials and one with valid credentials.

Wordpress password auditor scan resultsWordpress password auditor HTTPS weak password

The Password Auditor also includes a screenshot of the logged-in session to confirm the provided credentials are valid.

Password Auditor screenshot of the logged-in wordpress session

For the scenario with multiple credentials, we modified the wordlist to include 2 users (1 invalid and 1 valid) and 12 passwords (11 invalid and 1 valid). The Password Auditor reports the IP address was temporarily blocked. 

To automatically avoid IP blocking, you can use the “Delay between attempts” option in the Password Auditor to set a custom delay duration and ensure your attacks are effective and get you the results you need.

Wordpress password auditor access blockedWordpress password auditor IP blocking

How to check Drupal for weak credentials

Deployment method: Vultr marketplace

1. Find the Drupal web app login endpoint

You can usually find the Drupal login at the /user/login endpoint.

Drupal login screen

2. Discover the Drupal login parameters

Use the Network tab in the browser’s Web Developer Tools to identify the login parameters.

Drupal developer tools

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, the following message is returned:

Drupal login error

After 5 invalid login attempts, the protection mechanism is activated, and the account is temporarily blocked.

Drupal blocked login attempt

After multiple failed attempts, the source IP address will be blocked.

Drupal IP blocked

Hydra commands and output

In the first scenario, we used the following Hydra commands:

hydra -l benchmark-user -p bad-password -V https-form-post "/user/login/:name=^USER^&pass=^PASS^&form_build_id=form-8B10wX9zca3XsUyefKATrbS3W5C0yAFH0Ko1jIeWg6Q&form_id=user_login_form&op=Log+in:Unrecognized username or password"
hydra -l benchmark-user -p tq6nAhfAhqtwBn7WXWqoaMXWF -V https-form-post "/user/login/:name=^USER^&pass=^PASS^&form_build_id=form-8B10wX9zca3XsUyefKATrbS3W5C0yAFH0Ko1jIeWg6Q&form_id=user_login_form&op=Log+in:Unrecognized username or password"
Drupal hydra

As shown in the output, Hydra accurately identified the invalid and valid credentials.

For the second, more complex scenario, we used the following command:

hydra -L users.txt -P pass.txt -V https-form-post "/user/login/:name=^USER^&pass=^PASS^&form_build_id=form-8B10wX9zca3XsUyefKATrbS3W5C0yAFH0Ko1jIeWg6Q&form_id=user_login_form&op=Log+in:Unrecognized username or password"
Drupal hydra multiple credentials

Drupal activated its protection mechanism after multiple failed attempts, and Hydra was unable to find the valid credentials.

Password Auditor commands and results

To run a quicker, more focused scan in the first scenario, we adjusted the following parameters:

Since the pa-benchmark wordlist includes the valid credentials, the tool will make 4 attempts against the target - 3 with invalid credentials and one with valid credentials.

As shown in the screenshots below, the Password Auditor successfully identified the valid credentials.

Drupal password auditor scan resultsDrupal password auditor HTTPS weak password

The Password Auditor also includes a screenshot of the logged-in session to confirm that the provided credentials are valid.

Password auditor screenshot of the logged-in Drupal session

For the second scenario, we modified the wordlist to include 2 users (1 invalid and 1 valid) and 12 passwords (11 invalid and 1 valid).

The Password Auditor reported both a temporary account lockout and an IP address block error.

Drupal temporary account lockout detectionDrupal temporary account lockout detection screenshotDrupal IP address blockedDrupal IP address blocked screenshot

How to check Joomla login for weak credentials

Deployment method: Vultr marketplace

1. Find the Joomla web app login endpoint

Usually, the Joomla login form is found on the / or on the /index.php/component/users/login endpoints.

Joomla login form

2. Discover the Joomla login parameters

Use the Network tab in your browser’s Web Developer Tools to identify the parameters.

Joomla web developer tools

The "return" parameter is a base64-encoded URL to which the user will be redirected after a successful login. Decoding this base64 string would reveal the actual URL.

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, the following message is returned:

Joomla login page error

After multiple failed attempts, no protection mechanism came up.

Hydra commands and output

In the first scenario, we used the following Hydra commands to bruteforce the Joomla app:

hydra -l benchmark-user -p bad-password -V https-form-post "/index.php:username=^USER^&passwd=^PASS^&option=com_users&task=user.login&&return=aHR0cHM6Ly9qb29tbGEucGVudGVzdC1ncm91bmQuY29tLw%3D%3D&195456de3e96e3936aa12ea30f4462d4=1:Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet."
hydra -l benchmark-user -p tq6nAhfAhqtwBn7WXWqoaMXWF -V https-form-post "/index.php:username=^USER^&passwd=^PASS^&option=com_users&task=user.login&&return=aHR0cHM6Ly9qb29tbGEucGVudGVzdC1ncm91bmQuY29tLw%3D%3D&195456de3e96e3936aa12ea30f4462d4=1:Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet."
Joomla Hydra output

As visible in the output, Hydra failed to distinguish between invalid and valid credentials, marking both as valid.

For the second scenario, we’ve used the following command:

hydra -L users.txt -P pass.txt https-form-post "/index.php:username=^USER^&passwd=^PASS^&option=com_users&task=user.login&&return=aHR0cHM6Ly9qb29tbGEucGVudGVzdC1ncm91bmQuY29tLw%3D%3D&195456de3e96e3936aa12ea30f4462d4=1:Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet."
Joomla Hydra output multiple credentials

As you can see, Hydra failed to identify any valid credentials, marking all attempts as valid.

Password Auditor commands and results

For the first scenario, we adjusted the following parameters in the interface to conduct a more focused scan:

Since the pa-benchmark wordlist includes the valid credentials, the tool will make 4 attempts against the target - 3 with invalid credentials and one with valid credentials.

As shown in the screenshots below, Password Auditor successfully identified the valid credentials.

Joomla Password Auditor scan resultsJoomla Password Auditor HTTPS Weak Password

The Password Auditor on also includes a screenshot of the logged-in session to confirm the provided credentials are valid.

Password Auditor screenshot of Joomla logged-in session

For the second scenario, we modified the wordlist to include 2 users (1 invalid and 1 valid) and 12 passwords (11 invalid and 1 valid).

Joomla Password Auditor tool parametersJoomla Password Auditor scan summary

The Password Auditor identified the valid credentials when testing 2 users and 12 passwords.

How to check Joomla administrator for weak credentials

Deployment method: Vultr marketplace

1. Find the web app login endpoint for Joomla administrator

Usually, Joomla administrator login form is found at /administrator endpoint.

Joomla administrator login form

2. Discover the Joomla administrator login parameters

Use the Network tab in Web Developer Tools to identify the parameters.

Joomla administrator Web Developer Tools

The "return" parameter is a base64-encoded URL to which the user will be redirected after a successful login. Decoding this base64 string reveals the actual URL.

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, the following message is returned:

Joomla administrator login error

After multiple failed attempts, we didn’t find any protection mechanism. 

Hydra commands and output

In the first 1 set of valid and 1 set of invalid credentials scenario, we used the following Hydra commands:

hydra -l benchmark-user -p bad-password -V https-form-post "/index.php:username=^USER^&passwd=^PASS^&option=com_login&task=login&return=aW5kZXgucGhw&98f2024c36194d35d02bb2903380a573=1:Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet."
hydra -l benchmark-user -p tq6nAhfAhqtwBn7WXWqoaMXWF -V https-form-post "/index.php:username=^USER^&passwd=^PASS^&option=com_login&task=login&return=aW5kZXgucGhw&98f2024c36194d35d02bb2903380a573=1:Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet."
Joomla administrator Hydra output

As shown in the output, Hydra failed to distinguish between invalid and valid credentials, marking both as valid.

For the second, more realistic scenario, we used the following command:

hydra -L users.txt -P pass.txt -V https-form-post "/index.php:username=^USER^&passwd=^PASS^&option=com_login&task=login&return=aW5kZXgucGhw&98f2024c36194d35d02bb2903380a573=1:Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet."
Joomla administrator Hydra output multiple credentials

As you can see, Hydra failed to identify any valid credentials.

Password Auditor commands and results

For the first scenario, we adjusted the following parameters in the interface to perform a more focused scan:

Since the pa-benchmark wordlist includes the valid credentials, the tool will make 4 attempts against the target - 3 with invalid credentials and one with valid credentials.

As shown in the screenshots below, the Password Auditor successfully identified the valid credentials.

Joomla administrator Password Auditor scan resultsJoomla administrator Password Auditor HTTPS Weak Password

The Password Auditor also provides a screenshot of the logged-in session to confirm that the provided credentials are valid.

Password Auditor screenshot of Joomla administrator logged-in session

For the second scenario, we modified the wordlist to include 2 users (1 invalid and 1 valid) and 12 passwords (11 invalid and 1 valid).

Joomla administrator Password Auditor tool parametersJoomla administrator Password Auditor scan findings

The Password Auditor identified the valid credentials when testing 2 users and 12 passwords.

How to check PrestaShop for weak credentials

Deployment method: Vultr marketplace

1. Find the web app login endpoint for PrestaShop

The default admin login page for PrestaShop is typically located at /admin. However, during installation, PrestaShop prompts you to rename the /admin directory for security reasons. 

The renamed endpoint would look something like /admin123, where admin123 is a randomly generated or manually chosen name. 

Vultr has created the /admin_area/ link as a convenient static URL.

PrestaShop login form

2. Discover the PrestaShop login parameters

Use the Network tab in Web Developer Tools to identify the parameters.

PrestaShop Web Developer Tools

In PrestaShop, the redirect parameter often contains a CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) token. This is used to ensure the security of redirect actions by verifying they are legitimate and come from a trusted source.

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, PrestaShop returns the following message:

PrestaShop login error

Hydra commands and output

In the first 1 set of valid and 1 set of invalid credentials scenario, we used the following Hydra commands:

hydra -l "" -p bad-password https-post-form "/admin_area/index.php:ajax=1&token=&controller=AdminLogin&submitLogin=1&passwd=^PASS^&email=^USER^&redirect=https%3A%2F%2F108.61.179.203%2Fadmin_area%2F%26token%3Dfd2e9ec78690e5340b24d24565fa0373&stay_logged_in=1:Invalid password." -V
hydra -l "" -p iY5Na7ZIa3WPgrh3zrVgYdQmF6rnNCtb https-post-form "/admin_area/index.php:ajax=1&token=&controller=AdminLogin&submitLogin=1&passwd=^PASS^&email=^USER^&redirect=https%3A%2F%2F108.61.179.203%2Fadmin_area%2F%26token%3Dfd2e9ec78690e5340b24d24565fa0373&stay_logged_in=1:Invalid password." -V
PrestaShop Hydra output

PrestaShop uses the redirect parameter as a CSRF token, which changes with each request. Since Hydra requires this parameter to be configured as static, it cannot generate these tokens. Consequently, Hydra marked both attempts as valid credentials.

Since the first scenario didn't work, we did not proceed with testing the second one.

Password Auditor commands and results

For the first scenario, these are the parameters we adjusted to perform a more focused scan:

The pa-benchmark wordlist includes valid credentials, so the process involves making four attempts to the target: 3 with invalid credentials and 1 with valid credentials.

The screenshots below show that the Password Auditor successfully identified the valid credentials.

PrestaShop Password Auditor scan results

The Password Auditor also includes a screenshot of the logged-in session to confirm the provided credentials are valid.

Password Auditor screenshot of the PrestaShop logged-in session

For the second scenario, we only changed the wordlist to include 2 users (1 invalid and 1 valid) and 13 passwords (12 invalid and 1 valid). 

PrestaShop Password Auditor scan findings

In the second scenario, the Password Auditor on identified the valid credentials.

How to check Magento for weak credentials

Deployment method: Vultr marketplace

1. Find the web app login endpoint for Magento

The default admin login page for Magento is typically located on the /admin endpoint on port 443.

Admin login page for Magento

2. Discover the Magento login parameters

Use the Network tab in Web Developer Tools to identify the parameters.

Magento Web Developer Tools

In Magento, the form_key parameter is a critical security feature used to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. It ensures the form submission is coming from the same site and session, protecting the website and its users from malicious actions.

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, Magento returns the following message:

Magento login block

The application has a basic anti-brute-force mechanism: the CAPTCHA gets activated after several failed login attempts, and the account can be temporarily disabled.

Hydra commands and output

In the first 1 set of valid and 1 set of invalid credentials scenario, we used the following Hydra commands to bruteforce Magento:

hydra -l user -p bad-password http-post-form "/admin/:form_key=7sqshgljTsjOGZtB&login%5Busername%5D=^USER^&login%5Bpassword%5D=^PASS^:The account sign-in was incorrect" -V
hydra -l user -p 5CIaEBMqlcwN http-post-form "/admin/:form_key=7sqshgljTsjOGZtB&login%5Busername%5D=^USER^&login%5Bpassword%5D=^PASS^:The account sign-in was incorrect" -V
Magento Hydra output

As explained in the section about discovering Magento parameters, the `form_key` is used as a CSRF token and is dynamically set. Hydra cannot use a session to automatically set this parameter, so it incorrectly marks both invalid and valid credentials as valid.

Since the first scenario didn't work, we did not proceed with testing the second one.

Password Auditor commands and results

For the first scenario, these are the parameters we adjusted to perform a more focused scan:

The pa-benchmark wordlist includes valid credentials, so the process involves making four attempts to the target: 3 with invalid credentials and 1 with valid credentials.

The screenshots below show that the Password Auditor successfully identified the valid credentials.

Magento Password Auditor scan results

The Password Auditor also provides a screenshot of the logged-in session to verify the validity of the provided credentials.

Password Auditor screenshot of the Magento logged-in session

For the second scenario, we adjusted the wordlist to include 2 users (1 invalid and 1 valid) and 13 passwords (12 invalid and 1 valid). 

Magento Password Auditor scan findings

Because Magento activated the CAPTCHA mechanism, the Password Auditor on reported with an informational finding that the bruteforce stopped because of this.

Password Auditor screenshot of the failed Magento login session