The pentest reporting toolthat does 90% of the work for you
For years we searched for a reliable pentest reporting tool that works in every engagement. We couldn’t find one, so we built it ourselves!
Here’s what painless penetration test reporting looks like:
Automatically generated pentest reports (.DOCX, PDF, HTML)
Ready-to-use report templates with pre-filled executive summary, vulnerability and risk information, plus remediation advice
Customizable and reusable templates for findings & engagements
White label option to add your own logo & loads more
How it works
Create a penetration test report in under 3 minutes
Save yourself from dealing with formatting issues, scattered data, custom reporting scripts, tweaks, and reporting bugs.
Exporting professional pentest reports takes minutes on Pentest-Tools.com (yes, seriously) and it comes with built-in vulnerability details and remediation suggestions.
There’s a better way – just watch!

I haven't found any other tool – free or paid – that I can generate such a well-made report with and trust that the contents will be accurate and relevant to the client.
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Export ready-to-send pentest reports
We help you excel at reporting for a fraction of the time and effort you put in now.
Because it’s integrated with the tools on the platform, this feature enables you to automatically generate penetration testing reports that are 90% ready for delivery.
Select the findings you want to include, pick a report template that suits your engagement, and generate the document (.DOCX, PDF, or HTML). Fine-tune any of the elements in the no-fluff, editable .DOCX report – and add others – until it’s ready for sendoff.
“The detailed reports allow us to precisely identify and quickly respond to any potential issues.”
Get faster & better reporting
Use advanced reporting with our Advanced & Teams plans!
Never start from scratch – use report templates
Our pentest report templates work out-of-the-box. Choose the predefined template you need and create a report that’s almost ready to ship!
A Pentest-Tools.com report includes all the key elements of a professional deliverable:
Executive summary
Findings & Remediation
It’s also very easy to modify and customize any of these sections to include links, code snippets, screenshots, tables, and other helpful elements.
If you’re extra specific about your reports, just duplicate a pre-existing template and edit it to your liking. Alternatively, you can create your own template and save hours spent polishing your documents.
“The tool is absolutely easy to use, with comprehensive and customizable report templates.“
Kick off strong with the auto-generated executive summary
Translating pentest findings into business impact takes a lot of time and effort. So how about not doing it at all?
We automatically generate the executive summary for you and take the pain away. It provides a graphical overview of the findings and a table with the most important ones for focus and clarity.
To make it more persuasive, we recommend you adjust this section and tailor it to each of your engagements.

Use rich, pre-filled information on your findings
None of your hard work goes to waste because every tool on the platform feeds vulnerability information and evidence, plus remediation advice and other details into the pentest reports you generate.
Edit findings in bulk in the dashboard to do manual adjustments in minutes instead of hours:
- Clone findings to edit them without modifying initial results
- Adjust risk levels
- Flag and remove false positives
- Verify findings – and see your changes instantly reflected.
Every time you download a report it’s guaranteed to be accurate and up to date without extra manual work!
“The tools are easy to use and the reporting is clear and detailed enough to help us understand potential issues for quick remediation and also to provide our clients with the confidence that their websites are secure.“

Trusted by experts at
Get faster, better pentest reporting that works every time
Pentest-Tools.com provides me with a comprehensive, up to date 3rd party vulnerability assessment. The detailed reports allow us to precisely identify and quickly respond to any potential issues. I regularly run the test on my web services and recommend everyone to check their systems with it.
Start using the platform today
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Reuse your best work
Templates for findings & engagements
Writing and rewriting descriptions for frequent findings is bo-ring. It drains your time and energy, and can even cause errors to sneak in. Get the ball rolling with these predefined templates for the most common vulnerabilities.
With our pentest reporting tool, you can save and reuse your best finding descriptions, risks, and recommendations! Turn them into custom templates and plug them into future reports. No searching through docs, no duplicate work.
Get the ball rolling with these predefined templates for the most common vulnerabilities:
Finding templates - use these or build your own
File Inclusion
OS Command Injection
Session fixation
Open redirect
Detailed error messages
Session does not expire
Internal IP disclosure
Default credentials in use
Debug functionality present
XML External Entity vulnerability
You can also adjust our templates to your needs. Include links, code snippets, screenshots, tables, and other clarifying elements to save your future self invaluable time. Also useful for adding manual findings into your pentest report!
Engagement templates - add customer details in one click
Add all the details about clients or projects in one click and use them forever (or as long as they’re your client).
Include this pre-filled information into your reports to save time copy/pasting or manually typing in data such as:
Engagement name
Engagement name
Client company
Contract number
Contract start date
Engagment start & end dates
To make reporting even more hassle-free, the engagement templates on the platform include structures for Website Penetration Tests and External Perimeter Penetration Tests.
“The Pentest-Tools.com site is super easy to use and reports export in a variety of formats. All of the scans I’ve used run fast and the reports contain the details that you need, no fluff. Nice work, Pentest-Tools.com!”
Use cases
4 ways to use advanced pentest reporting
Combine filters to get more specific reports
Customize reports with your logo
Get email notifications for vital findings
Export reports from where you need them