Speed up your pentests with bulk scanning for all your targets
Batch scanning tasks to optimize your pentesting workflow and save invaluable time
Scan multiple targets with a specific tool and automatically map their attack surface
Automate repetitive testing flows by bulk scanning targets with pentest robots or scan templates
Schedule scans for a range of targets for regular security assessments
Export aggregated reports for bulk scans with findings grouped by target or vulnerability
Getting Started
Work on multiple engagements at the same time with bulk scanning
Give your productivity a boost by batching or even automating tasks such as recon, Attack Surface mapping, and vulnerability discovery.
Bulk Scanning with Scan Templates
Bulk Scanning with Pentest Robots
Automatic Attack Surface Mapping
Share Findings with your team
Work efficient
Coordinate tasks with your team to finalize engagements much faster

Make use of your effort again and again
Reuse your team’s best work for future batch scans

Easy to redo
Run re-tests in minutes with Scan Groups created after each bulk scan