How to bruteforce development, CI/CD, and other apps with Hydra and the Password Auditor

Compromising development and CI/CD tools can give attackers access to source code repositories, automation pipelines, and deployment systems, making them high-value targets. 

This guide provides real-world testing methodologies for Bitbucket, GitLab CE, Jenkins, JetBrains TeamCity, and more, helping you discover login endpoints, analyze authentication mechanisms, and test credential security. By applying these techniques, you can uncover authentication weaknesses before attackers do, ensuring a stronger security posture for the systems you audit.

See full benchmark results
Hydra vs password auditor hero image

Bruteforce commands and settings for Hydra and the Password Auditor

Since authentication security varies across different platforms - some using CAPTCHAs, CSRF tokens, or IP-based rate limiting - choosing the right testing approach is essential. These detailed Hydra commands for manual bruteforcing are ready to use, along with steps that demonstrate how the Password Auditor automates credential testing for more efficient, reliable assessments. 

You’ll see how Hydra interacts with authentication defenses and how the Password Auditor captures screenshots and proof of valid credentials to streamline your security audits.

How to check Bitbucket for weak credentials

Deployment method: Atlassian Dockerhub

1. Find the web app login endpoint for Bitbucket

The Bitbucket login form usually sits on the /login endpoint.

Bitbucket login form

2. Discover the Bitbucket login parameters

Use the Network tab in Web Developer Tools to identify the parameters.

Bitbucket Web Developer Tools

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, the following message is returned:

Bitbucket login error

After two failed attempts, the CAPTCHA is activated.

Bitbucket login captcha

Hydra commands and output

We used the following commands to bruteforce Bitbucket with Hydra with one pair of valid credentials and one pair of invalid ones:

hydra -l benchmark-user -p tq6nAhfAhqtwBn7WXWqoaMXWF -s 7990 http-post-form "/j_atl_security_check:j_username=^USER^&j_password=^PASS^&_atl_remember_me=on&next=%2Fdashboard&queryString=next%3D%252Fdashboard&submit=Log+in:Invalid username or password."
hydra -l benchmark-user -p bad-password -s 7990 http-post-form "/j_atl_security_check:j_username=^USER^&j_password=^PASS^&_atl_remember_me=on&next=%2Fdashboard&queryString=next%3D%252Fdashboard&submit=Log+in:Invalid username or password."
Bitbucket Hydra output

As shown in the output, Hydra correctly identified both invalid and valid credentials.

For the second scenario with multiple usernames and passwords, we used the following command:

hydra -L users.txt -P pass.txt -s 7990 http-post-form "/j_atl_security_check:j_username=^USER^&j_password=^PASS^&_atl_remember_me=on&next=%2Fdashboard&queryString=next%3D%252Fdashboard&submit=Log+in:Invalid username or password."  -V
Bitbucket Hydra output multiple credentials

Hydra identified the valid credentials when testing 2 users and 13 passwords.

Password Auditor commands and results

For the first scenario, these are the parameters we adjusted to perform a more focused scan:

Because the pa-benchmark wordlist includes the valid credentials, the tool will make 4 attempts against the target - 3 with invalid credentials and one with valid credentials.

As the screenshot below shows, the Password Auditor successfully identified the valid credentials.

Bitbucket Password Auditor scan results

It also delivered a screenshot of the logged-in session to confirm the provided credentials are valid.

Password Auditor screenshot of the Bitbucket logged-in session

For the second scenario, we modified the wordlist to include 2 users (1 invalid and 1 valid) and 12 passwords (11 invalid and 1 valid).

Bitbucket Password Auditor CAPTCHA checkBitbucket Password Auditor screenshot

The Password Auditor reports that the Bitbucket server activated its CAPTCHA protection. In the Details section, we recommend using the Password Spray attack type or splitting the scan into multiple scans with smaller wordlists.

How to check Jenkins for weak credentials

Deployment method: Vultr marketplace

1. Find the Jenkins web app login endpoint

The Jenkins login form is usually found on the /login endpoint.

Jenkins web app login

2. Discover the Jenkins login parameters

Use the Network tab in Web Developer Tools to identify the parameters.

Jenkins Web Developer Tools

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, Jenkins returns the following message:

Jenkins login error

Hydra commands and output

In the first scenario, we used the following Hydra commands to bruteforce Jenkins:

hydra -l user -p bad-password https-post-form "/j_spring_security_check:j_username=^USER^&j_password=^PASS^&from=&Submit=Sign+in:Invalid username or password" -V
hydra -l user -p oljHMj12WK24 https-post-form "/j_spring_security_check:j_username=^USER^&j_password=^PASS^&from=&Submit=Sign+in:Invalid username or password" -V
hydra -l user -p oljHMj12WK24 https-post-form "/login:j_username=^USER^&j_password=^PASS^&from=&Submit=Sign+in:Invalid username or password" -V

Jenkins Hydra outputJenkins Hydra output 2

As shown in the output, Hydra failed to identify the invalid and valid credentials, marking both as invalid.

For the second, multi-credentials scenario, we used the following Hydra command:

hydra -L users.txt -P pass.txt https-post-form "/j_spring_security_check:j_username=^USER^&j_password=^PASS^&from=&Submit=Sign+in:Invalid username or password" -V
Jenkins Hydra output multiple credentials

When testing 2 users and 13 passwords, Hydra failed to identify the invalid and valid credentials, marking all as invalid.

Password Auditor commands and results

For the first scenario, these are the parameters we adjusted to perform a more focused scan:

The pa-benchmark wordlist includes valid credentials, so the process involves making four attempts to the target: 3 with invalid credentials and 1 with valid credentials.

The screenshots below show that Password Auditor successfully identified the valid credentials.

Jenkins Password Auditor scan results

The Password Auditor provides a screenshot of the logged-in session to verify the validity of the provided credentials.

Password Auditor screenshot of the Jenkins logged-in session

For the second scenario, we modified the wordlist to include 2 users (1 invalid and 1 valid) and 12 passwords (11 invalid and 1 valid).

Password Auditor Jenkins scan findings

The Password Auditor identified the valid credentials when testing 2 users and 12 passwords.

How to check Gitlab CE for weak credentials

Deployment method: Docker Gitlab

1. Find the web app login endpoint in Gitlab CE

Most often, the Gitlab CE login form sits on the /users/sign_in endpoint on port 80 or port 443.

Gitlab CE login

2. Discover the Gitlab CE login parameters

Use the Network tab in Web Developer Tools to identify the parameters.

Gitlab CE Web Developer Tools

Note that GitLab CE uses authenticity_token as a CSRF token.

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, Gitlab Community Edition returns the following message:

Gitlab CE login error

The login form seems to shadow ban your IP after multiple failed login attempts. You still get the Login failed message in the browser even if you use the correct credentials.

Hydra commands and output

In the first 1 set of valid and 1 set of invalid credentials scenario, we used the following Hydra commands:

hydra -l root -p bad-password http-post-form "/users/sign_in:authenticity_token=kqQc3fpC32LIpnAa_ArJLVE05av1xq3hezFXlZABOJxptlcsqcREz-xhX-9qyVqwJQpujx9JijRRTCjLatiD1g&user%5Blogin%5D=^USER^&user%5Bpassword%5D=^PASS^&user%5Bremember_me%5D=0:Invalid login or password." -V
hydra -l root -p JejPqA3mCFxM1F8nzYNHzDLo/h+9JEbH6bxVAlEhYPs= http-post-form "/users/sign_in:authenticity_token=kqQc3fpC32LIpnAa_ArJLVE05av1xq3hezFXlZABOJxptlcsqcREz-xhX-9qyVqwJQpujx9JijRRTCjLatiD1g&user%5Blogin%5D=^USER^&user%5Bpassword%5D=^PASS^&user%5Bremember_me%5D=0:Invalid login or password." -V
Gitlab CE Hydra output

GitLab uses authenticity_token as a CSRF token, which is different for each request. Since Hydra requires this parameter to be configured as static, it cannot generate these tokens. Consequently, Hydra marked both attempts as valid credentials.

Since the first scenario didn't work, we did not proceed with testing the second one.

Password Auditor commands and results

For the first scenario, these are the parameters we adjusted to perform a more focused scan:

The pa-benchmark wordlist includes valid credentials, so the process involves making four attempts to the target: 3 with invalid credentials and 1 with valid credentials.

The screenshots below show that the Password Auditor successfully identified the valid credentials.

Gitlab CE Password Auditor scan results

The Password Auditor also provides a screenshot of the logged-in session to verify the validity of the provided credentials.

Password Auditor screenshot of the Gitlab CE logged-in session

For the second scenario, we modified the wordlist to include 2 users (1 invalid and 1 valid) and 12 passwords (11 invalid and 1 valid). 

As mentioned in the Identify error messages and protection mechanisms section, it seems that the target shadow bans the source IP of the attack. Therefore, the Password Auditor didn’t identify the valid credentials, when testing the target app with 2 users and 13 passwords.

How to check JetBrains TeamCity for weak credentials

Deployment method: Vulhub docker-compose

1. Find the web app login endpoint for JetBrains TeamCity

The default admin login page for JetBrains TeamCity is typically located on the /login.html endpoint on port 8111.

Admin login page for JetBrains TeamCity

2. Discover the login parameters for JetBrains TeamCity

Use the Network tab in Web Developer Tools to identify the parameters.

JetBrains TeamCity Web Developer Tools

In JetBrains TeamCity, the login page uses the publicKey and encryptedPassword parameters as part of the authentication process to enhance security. 

Here's a brief explanation of each concept:

  • publicKey: This is the public portion of a key pair (public/private key) used for RSA encryption. JetBrains TeamCity provides this public key to the client (browser) during the login process. The public key is used to encrypt sensitive information, specifically the password, before it gets sent to the server. This helps protect the password during transmission, even if the data is intercepted.

  • encryptedPassword: This is the user's password, encrypted using the RSA public key provided by TeamCity. When a user enters their password, it is encrypted client-side using JavaScript with the public key. The resulting encryptedPassword value is then sent to the server instead of the plain text password. On the server side, TeamCity uses the corresponding private key to decrypt the password and authenticate the user.

This mechanism prevents the plain text password from being exposed during transmission, adding an extra layer of security against potential interception or eavesdropping attacks.

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, JetBrains TeamCity returns the following message:

JetBrains TeamCity login error

After 5 failed login attempts, the user gets locked out for 1 minute.

JetBrains TeamCity login failed

Hydra commands and output

Since Hydra can’t use the Javascript that encrypts the password using the public key, we considered that the scenarios cannot be tested.

Password Auditor commands and results

For the first scenario, these are the parameters we adjusted to perform a more focused scan:

The pa-benchmark wordlist includes valid credentials, so the process involves making four attempts to the target: 3 with invalid credentials and 1 with valid credentials.

As shown in the screenshots below, the Password Auditor on successfully identified the valid credentials.

JetBrains TeamCity Password Auditor scan results

The Password Auditor also provides a screenshot of the logged-in session to verify the validity of the provided credentials.

Password Auditor screenshot of the JetBrains TeamCity logged-in session

For the second scenario, we adjusted the wordlist to contain 2 users (1 invalid and 1 valid) and 13 passwords (12 invalid and 1 valid). 

JetBrains TeamCity Password Auditor scan findings

JetBrains TeamCity temporarily locks the account/source IP and the Password Auditor can’t identify the valid credentials

Password Auditor screenshot of the JetBrains TeamCity failed login