How to bruteforce IT and server management apps with Hydra and the Password Auditor

Bruteforcing login endpoints is essential for assessing the security of IT and server management applications. Gaining access to these web apps can expose critical administrative controls, server configurations, database access, email accounts, and other sensitive assets that attackers target. 

This guide provides real-world testing methodologies for cPanel, Plesk, Webmin, phpMyAdmin, and more, helping you discover login parameters, analyze authentication mechanisms, and test login security measures. By applying these techniques, you can pinpoint authentication weaknesses before malicious attackers do, ensuring a stronger security posture for the systems you audit.

See full benchmark results
Hydra vs password auditor hero image

Bruteforce commands and settings for Hydra and the Password Auditor

Learn when to use Hydra for brute-force attacks and when the Password Auditor’s automation, screenshot capture, and proof-based reporting provide a better alternative for correctly identifying login credentials with greater speed and accuracy. 

By testing these login security measures, you can identify risks that could lead to unauthorized server access, control panel takeovers, or database breaches, helping organizations stay ahead of real-world threats.

How to check phpMyAdmin for weak credentials

Deployment method: Vultr marketplace

1. Find the web app login endpoint for phpMyAdmin

Usually, phpMyAdmin login form is found at /mysqladmin/ or /phpmyadmin/ endpoint.

phpMyAdmin login form

2. Discover the login parameters in phpMyAdmin

In your browser, go to the Network tab in Web Developer Tools to identify the parameters.

phpMyAdmin Web Developer Tools

In phpMyAdmin, the token parameter is a security feature used to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. This parameter ensures each request to phpMyAdmin is valid and comes from a user session.

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, the following message is returned:

phpMyAdmin login error

After multiple failed attempts, we didn’t find any protection mechanism. 

Hydra commands and output

In the first scenario, we used the following Hydra commands:

hydra -l pmausers0DdIXFt -p bad-password https-form-post "/mysqladmin/index.php:pma_username=^USER^&pma_password=^PASS^&set_session=6lf49aspt3l4afa6is1nfld3sn&server=1&route=%2F&lang=en&token=555a3b4c7631212f3e7161443b263b28:Cannot log in to the MySQL server"
hydra -l pmausers0DdIXFt -p iW9Endo6W9Kfav0scVPDKQ545hPpfOAH https-form-post "/mysqladmin/index.php:pma_username=^USER^&pma_password=^PASS^&set_session=6lf49aspt3l4afa6is1nfld3sn&server=1&route=%2F&lang=en&token=555a3b4c7631212f3e7161443b263b28:Cannot log in to the MySQL server"
phpMyAdmin Hydra output

Because the token parameter acts as a CSRF token, as shown in the output, Hydra failed to distinguish between invalid and valid credentials, marking both as valid.

Since the first scenario didn't work, we did not proceed with testing the second one.

Password Auditor commands and results

For the first scenario, we adjusted the following parameters in the interface to conduct a more focused scan:

Since the pa-benchmark wordlist includes the valid credentials, the tool will make 4 attempts against the target - 3 with invalid credentials and one with valid credentials.

As shown in the screenshots below, Password Auditor successfully identified the valid credentials.

phpMyAdmin Password Auditor scan resultsphpMyAdmin Password Auditor HTTPS Weak Password

The Password Auditor automatically includes a screenshot of the logged-in session to confirm the provided credentials are valid.

Password Auditor screenshot of phpMyAdmin logged-in session

For the second, more realistic scenario, we modified the wordlist to include 3 users (1 invalid and 2 valid) and 13 passwords (12 invalid and 1 valid).

phpMyAdmin Password Auditor tool parametersphpMyAdmin Password Auditor scan findings

How to check cPanel WHM for weak credentials

Deployment method: Vultr marketplace

1. Find the web app login endpoint in cPanel WHM

Usually, we can find the cPanel WHM form at the / or the /login endpoint on port 2087.

cPanel WHM login form

2. Discover the cPanel WHM login parameters

Use the Network tab in Web Developer Tools to identify the parameters.

cPanel WHM Web Developer Tools

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, the following message is returned:

cPanel WHM login error

After multiple failed attempts, we didn’t find any protection mechanism. 

Hydra commands and output

We used the following commands to bruteforce the cPanel WHM app with Hydra with one pair of valid credentials and one pair of invalid ones:

hydra -l root -p bad-password -s 2087 https-post-form "/login/:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:The login is invalid." -I
hydra -l root -p "fH_7]Dw%KdzH8hRa" -s 2087 https-post-form "/login/:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:The login is invalid." -I
cPanel WHM Hydra output

As the output shows, Hydra successfully identified the valid credentials. However, it cannot perform a brute-force attack on invalid credentials because the login returns a 401 status code, causing Hydra to mistakenly assume the target app is using basic authentication.

For the more complex, more realistic scenario, we used the following Hydra command:

hydra -L users.txt -P pass.txt -s 2087 https-post-form "/login/:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:The login is invalid." -I
cPanel WHM Hydra output multiple credentials

As you can see, Hydra failed to identify any valid credentials because of the previously mentioned scenario.

Password Auditor commands and results

For the first scenario, we adjusted the following parameters in the interface to conduct a more focused scan:

Since the pa-benchmark wordlist includes the valid credentials, four attempts were made to the target (three with invalid credentials and one with valid credentials).

As shown in the screenshots below, the Password Auditor successfully identified the valid credentials.

cPanel WHM Password Auditor scan resultscPanel WHM Password Auditor HTTPS Weak Password

What’s more, the Password Auditor includes a screenshot of the logged-in session to confirm the provided credentials are valid.

Password Auditor screenshot of cPanel WHM logged-in session

For the second scenario, we only changed the wordlist to include 2 users (1 invalid and 1 valid) and 14 passwords (13 invalid and 1 valid).

cPanel WHM Password Auditor tool parameterscPanel WHM Password Auditor scan findings

The Password Auditor identified the valid credentials when testing 2 users and 12 passwords.

How to check cPanel login for weak credentials

Deployment method: Vultr marketplace

1. Find the cPanel web app login endpoint

You can usually find the cPanel login form at the / or /login endpoints on port 2083.

cPanel login form

2. Discover the cPanel login parameters

Use the Network tab in Web Developer Tools to identify the parameters.

cPanel Web Developer Tools

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, the following message is returned:

cPanel login error

After multiple failed attempts, we didn’t detect any protection mechanism.

Hydra commands and output

In the first scenario, we used the following Hydra commands:

hydra -l benchmarkuser -p bad-password -s 2083 https-post-form "/login/:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:The login is invalid." -I
hydra -l benchmarkuser -p tq6nAhfAhqtwBn7WXWqoaMXWF -s 2083 https-post-form "/login/:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:The login is invalid." -I
hydra -l benchmarkuser -p tq6nAhfAhqtwBn7WXWqoaMXWF -s 2083 https-get "/login/:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:The login is invalid." -I
cPanel Hydra output

As you can see from the output, Hydra identified the valid credentials, but on invalid credentials it can’t perform the bruteforce attack since the login returns 401 status code and it thinks it uses basic authentication.

For the second, more realistic scenario, we used the following command:

hydra -L users.txt -P pass.txt -s 2083 https-get "/login/:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:The login is invalid." -I
cPanel Hydra output multiple credentials

As you can see, Hydra failed to identify any valid credentials because of the previously mentioned scenario.

Password Auditor commands and results

For the first scenario, we adjusted the following parameters in the interface to conduct a more focused scan:

Since the pa-benchmark wordlist includes the valid credentials, the tool will make 4 attempts against the target - 3 with invalid credentials and one with valid credentials.

As the screenshots below reveals, the Password Auditor successfully identified the valid credentials.

cPanel Password Auditor scan resultscPanel Password Auditor HTTPS Weak Password

What’s more, the Password Auditor included a screenshot of the logged-in session to confirm the provided credentials are valid.

Password Auditor screenshot of cPanel logged-in session

For the second scenario, we only modified the wordlist to include 2 users (1 invalid and 1 valid) and 14 passwords (13 invalid and 1 valid).

This is an imagecPanel Password Auditor scan findings

The Password Auditor identified the valid credentials when testing 2 users and 12 passwords.

How to check Plesk web pro for weak credentials

Deployment method: Vultr marketplace

1. Find the Plesk web app login endpoint

Usually, the Plesk login form sits on the /login endpoint on port 8443.

Plesk login form

2. Discover the Plesk login parameters

Use the Network tab in Web Developer Tools to identify the parameters.

Plesk Web Developer Tools

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, the following message is returned:

Plesk login error

After 5 invalid credentials, the IP address got blocked:

Plesk login IP block

Hydra commands and output

Hydra was not able to brute force Plesk because of its multipart body format. There is already an open issue for this on their official Github repository.

Password Auditor commands and results

For the first scenario, these are the parameters we adjusted to perform a more focused scan:

As the pa-benchmark wordlist includes the valid credentials, the tool will make 4 attempts against the target - 3 with invalid credentials and one with valid credentials.

As shown in the screenshots below, Password Auditor successfully identified the valid credentials.

Plesk Password Auditor scan results

Additionally, the Password Auditor includes a screenshot of the logged-in session in its results to confirm the provided credentials are valid.

Password Auditor screenshot of the Plesk logged-in session

For the second scenario, we used a wordlist with 2 users (1 invalid and 1 valid) and 12 passwords (11 invalid and 1 valid).

Because the scanner’s source IP address was blocked, the Password Auditor was unable to identify the valid credentials. However, it reported that website access was blocked after 6 attempts.

Password Auditor Plesk failed login attempts

How to check Webmin for weak credentials

Deployment method: Vultr marketplace

1. Find the web app login endpoint for Webmin

You can customarily find the Webmin login form on the / endpoint on port 10000.

Webmin login form

2. Discover the Webmin login parameters

Use the Network tab in Web Developer Tools to identify the parameters.

Webmin Web Developer Tools

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, Webmin returns the following message:

Webmin login error

After more than 5 invalid tries, the IP got blocked.

Webmin login IP block

Hydra commands and output

In the first 1 set of valid and 1 set of invalid credentials scenario, we used the following Hydra commands:

hydra -s 10000 -l root -p bad-password https-post-form "/:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:Login failed. Please try again." -V
hydra -s 10000 -l root -p iH6$6KEXNKpqUSHG https-post-form "/:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:Login failed. Please try again." -V

Webmin Hydra output

As you can see from the output, Hydra marked both tries as valid credentials.

We did not test the second scenario since the first one did not work.

Password Auditor commands and results

For the first scenario, these are the parameters we adjusted to perform a more focused scan:

The pa-benchmark wordlist includes valid credentials, so the process involves making four attempts to the target: 3 with invalid credentials and 1 with valid credentials.

The screenshots below show that the Password Auditor successfully identified the valid credentials.

Webmin Password Auditor scan results

The Password Auditor also provides a screenshot of the logged-in session to verify the validity of the provided credentials.

Password Auditor screenshot of the Webmin logged-in session

For the second scenario, the wordlist we used included 2 users (1 invalid and 1 valid) and 12 passwords (11 invalid and 1 valid).

Password Auditor Webmin failed login attemptsPassword Auditor screenshot of the Webmin login fail

Because Webmin activated its protection mechanism and blocked the scanner's source IP address, the Password Auditor was unable to identify the valid credentials. However, it reported the block as an informational finding.

How to check Roxy-WI for weak credentials

Deployment method: Vultr marketplace

1. Find the web app login endpoint for Roxy-WI

The default admin login page for Roxy-WI is typically located on the /app/ endpoint on port 443.

Admin login page for Roxy-WI

2. Discover the login parameters for Roxy-WI

Use the Network tab in Web Developer Tools to identify the parameters.

Roxy-WI Web Developer Tools

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, Roxy-WI returns the following message:

Roxy-WI login error

The Roxy-WI application has a minimal anti-bruteforce mechanism because the login button gets disabled for just 10 seconds when you enter an invalid set of credentials.

Hydra commands and output

In the first 1 set of valid and 1 set of invalid credentials scenario, we used the following Hydra commands:

hydra -l admin -p bad-password https-post-form "/app/^USER^&pass=^PASS^:Your login or password is incorrect " -V
hydra -l admin -p admin https-post-form "/app/^USER^&pass=^PASS^:Your login or password is incorrect " -V
Roxy-WI Hydra output

The server returns an HTTP status code of 200 with the text "ban" when it receives invalid credentials. This response confuses Hydra, leading it to consider the login attempt successful.

Roxy-WI Burp interface

Since the first scenario didn't work, we did not proceed with testing the second one.

Password Auditor commands and results

For the first scenario, these are the parameters we adjusted to perform a more focused scan:

The pa-benchmark wordlist includes valid credentials, so the process involves making four attempts to the target: 3 with invalid credentials and 1 with valid credentials.

The screenshots below show that the Password Auditor successfully identified the valid credentials.

Roxy-WI Password Auditor scan results

The Password Auditor also provides a screenshot of the logged-in session to verify the validity of the provided credentials.

Password Auditor screenshot of the Roxy-WI logged-in session

For the second scenario, we only changed the wordlist to include 2 users (1 invalid and 1 valid) and 13 passwords (12 invalid and 1 valid). 

Roxy-WI Password Auditor scan findings

In the second scenario, the Password Auditor identified all the valid credentials.

How to check CloudPanel for weak credentials

Deployment method: Vultr marketplace

1. Find the web app login endpoint for CloudPanel

The default admin login page for CloudPanel is typically located on the /login endpoint on port 8443.

Admin login page for CloudPanel

2. Discover the CloudPanel login parameters

Use the Network tab in Web Developer Tools to identify the parameters.

CloudPanel Web Developer Tools

In Cloudpanel, the csrftoken parameter is a critical security feature used to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. It ensures the form submission is coming from the same site and session, protecting the website and its users from malicious actions.

3. Identify error messages and protection mechanisms

After one invalid attempt, CloudPanel returns the following message:

Cloudpanel login error

Hydra commands and output

In the first 1 set of valid and 1 set of invalid credentials scenario, we used the following Hydra commands:

hydra -s 8443 -l namedame -p bad-password https-post-form "/login:userName=^USER^&password=^PASS^&_csrf_token=8662edda832bd09b91ef351af3ffccf0.P7XJW8hraBMweBYkcs4HkRMIuMEqBVk9oP9yseTmNJY.aYWFFIA4BlpRTURwG6Z2xEBR_Khda24I1qcZgdGyBK5y3r085VsHfXRNdQ&submit=:Invalid credentials." -V
hydra -s 8443 -l namedame -p CloudPanel4321 https-post-form "/login:userName=^USER^&password=^PASS^&_csrf_token=8662edda832bd09b91ef351af3ffccf0.P7XJW8hraBMweBYkcs4HkRMIuMEqBVk9oP9yseTmNJY.aYWFFIA4BlpRTURwG6Z2xEBR_Khda24I1qcZgdGyBK5y3r085VsHfXRNdQ&submit=:Invalid credentials." -V
Cloudpanel Hydra output

As explained in the login parameters discovery section, the csrftoken is used as a CSRF token and is dynamically set. Since Hydra cannot use a session to automatically set this parameter, it marks both invalid and valid credentials as valid.

Since the first scenario didn't work, we did not proceed with testing the second one.

Password Auditor commands and results

For the first scenario, these are the parameters we adjusted to perform a more focused scan:

The pa-benchmark wordlist includes valid credentials, so the process involves making four attempts to the target: 3 with invalid credentials and 1 with valid credentials.

The screenshots below show that the Password Auditor successfully identified the valid credentials.

Cloudpanel Password Auditor scan results

The Password Auditor also provides a screenshot of the logged-in session to verify the validity of the provided credentials.

Password Auditor screenshot of the Cloudpanel logged-in session

For the second scenario, we just changed the wordlist to include 2 users (1 invalid and 1 valid) and 13 passwords (12 invalid and 1 valid). 

Cloudpanel Password Auditor scan findings

In the second scenario, the Password Auditor on identified the valid credentials.